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2025 Rockingham County Fair August 11 - 16, 2025
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Rental Rules & Policies
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Barn Bash Dinner and Dance
Rocktown Down & Dirty Barn Fundraiser
Rental Rules & Policies
Rental Rules & Policies
An event date is not considered firm until payment of your deposit has been received.
A deposit of 10% of the Estimated Total Bill is payable at the time of reservation.
An additional Damage Deposit of 20% of the Estimated Total Bill is held by the Fair Association for up to 30 days following each event. If no damage is incurred, the client is refunded the full amount of the damage deposit.
All rental clients must provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Rockingham County Fair Association as "additional insured."
The Fair Association reserves the right to determine compatibility of an event with other simultaneous events as well as compatibility with the Fair's Mission Statement.
The Rockingham County Fair Association encourages a diverse array of events at the Fairgrounds. It therefore endorses a policy of preventing similar (competing) events from being scheduled in a conflicting manner. In general, similar events will not be scheduled 60 days prior to, or 30 days after, a competing event. The final decision in this regard will be made by the Fair Association General Manager.
Cancellation Policy - Once a client executes a Rental Agreement, the space and the time period covered by the agreement is taken off of the market and reserved exclusively for the client. If the Event is cancelled, in whole or in part, for any reason by the client, the client shall not be entitled to a refund of any monies paid. Upon cancellation the space will become available.
Rental Rules
No equipment or decorative materials may be nailed, tacked, screwed, bolted or taped to any part of any Fair Association building or any of the fixtures therein. The Fair Association reserves the right to charge the exhibitor for damage.
Cattle tied outside must use the designated tie-out area adjacent to the barn complex.
Tent Pegs must be covered.
No blocking or chaining exit doors.
In Exhibit Hall:
Renter will set up chairs and tables and return them to the racks when finished.
Renters will dry mop floor and wet mop where needed.
Fair cabinets, stands and racks stored in small room will remain in place.
Lessee is responsible for picking up all trash on grounds and in buildings and placing it in proper receptacles.
Lessees shall be responsible for any and all damage to the property, normal wear and tear accepted, occurring during Lessee's occupation of the Rental Facilities and any other Fair Association property arising from Lessee's use of Rental Facilities.
Lessee will secure a Food Booth Health Permit for all food booths operating during Lessee's shows.
Private parties/dances/concerts: Lessee will provide at least 2 uniformed security guards and if over 400 people, a minimum of 4 uniformed security guards is required.
Private parties will be held for invited guests only.
Any events having alcohol must abide by all ABC license regulations. A copy of the permit will be given to the Fair Association.
If alcohol will be sold, a certificate of insurance for liquor liability is required in addition to a certificate of insurance for general liability, both naming the Rockingham County Fair Association as additionally insured.
The rules, requirements and policies (collectively "the Rules") set forth in this agreement are for the protection of the Rockingham County Fair Association and its guests, invitees and lessees. Strict compliance with the Rules is required at all times. Any violation of the Rules set forth in this Agreement shall result in the immediate termination of the Agreement, the removal of all violators from the premises, and the forfeiture of any security deposits or other amounts paid.
Lessee will provide the Fair Association with:
Certificate of Insurance as per contract
Copy of food booth health permit application
Copy of ABC license
Trade Shows - No sales of bongs, crack pipes (drug paraphernalia) or display of CD's, DVD's or any other material with erotic photos
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